Reflex Reflexomat Compact Pressurisation System
Reflex Reflexomat Silent Compact Series, compressor controlled pressurisation station, grey, 6 bar
Reflexomat pressurization stations regulate the pressure on the gas side of the vessel by means of compressor:
- When the set pressure is exceeded, the overflow valve opens and releases air from the expansion vessel. Due to the drop in pressure on the air side, water flows into the expansion vessel and pressure falls in the system.
- If pressure falls below the set pressure, the compressor switches on and pumps air into the air side of the expansion vessel, forcing water into the system: the water level falls in the vessel and pressure rises in the system.
Additional units for water make-up and degassing can be added to the Reflexomat. The possibility of the intelligent integration of a water make-up system is incorporated into the Reflexomat Control.
Product Quick Check
Reflexomat Compact- Compact compressor-controlled pressurization station for heating and cooling water systems.
- Perm. excess operating pressure 6 bar
- Perm. flow temperature 120ºC
- Perm. operating temperature 70ºC
- Perm. ambient temperature 0-45ºC
- Degree of protection IP 54
Tanks- Nominal volume 200-500 litres
Control Unit- Pressure maintenance with 1 or 2 compressors
- Overflow valves
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