Wantirna Health Melbourne
Project Overview
When it comes to emergency changeover boilers and other critical heating equipment, an emergency situation will always test who has your back.
Automatic Heating Global was pleased to have the opportunity to deliver the needed backup and support to Wantirna Health in the form of one powerful new Moorea MR300i 300kW condensing water heater.
This emergency changeover boiler was delivered mid February 2020 on a Thursday and commissioned the next day.
Thanks to our serious investment in stock and our dedicated service team, the changeover went smoothly and critical heating services were maintained.
Moorea is a compact, reliable boiler offering long life operation and needing minimal service attention.
To ensure someone has your back and is ready to take care of your system, talk to us about annual maintenance or a timely upgrade of your hot water heating or hydronic boiler system.
You’ll never look back!